Monday, November 04, 2013

❤️ Happiness 11/3 ❤️

Hi there!

Halloween!i enjoy this holiday so much! A asked me to make her a Dorothy wig/hat since her blonde bob isn't the right style. I ended up in urgent care with some pain I was concerned was a blood clot. Fortunately (or not) I was just sore from walking the day before. 

My crockpot. This is beef stew but I use it at least once a week. Makes dinner for the hubby alone with two kids so much easier.

This sunset from my desk. While I hate working afternoons and missing time with my family this view was amazing.

Grandpa and his boy. He doesn't do tiny babies but G is big enough now for him to feel like he won't break him. 

Crochet update in a bit! 

What made you happy this week?
